Show Ground:
Stoney Park Showground, Okehampton,
EX20 1SW
Mail to:
Show Secretary,
Okehampton Show,
South Narraton Farm,
Narratons Road,
EX20 1SL
Tel 07375930965
How to get there & Parking Information
The address of the Showground is Stoney Park Showground, Holsworthy Road, Okehampton, EX20 1SW. The Show opens to the public at 9am. Please follow signs and stewards directions.
Travel by Car
From the A30, take the Sourton Cross (Tavistock) exit (if travelling from the Exeter direction this is the turnoff after Okehampton) and follow the signposts to the Show.
Travel by Bus
A courtesy bus service is available from Okehampton town centre, starting at 10am and running all day.
Car Parking is free and just above the main Showground. Directions to the Show will be signposted on all access roads. A courtesy coach service will operate from Fore Street, Okehampton (outside Boots/Flower Pot) to the Showground, starting at 10am.
Disabled Parking areas will be available within the main car park – these are filled on a first-come-first-served basis. The areas will be sited close to the main pedestrian entrance gate but fill up very quickly, so please arrive at the Show as soon as possible to ensure you get a space.